Clients’ Goals

To give you an idea of what is possible through coaching, here is a list of some of the goals that I have co-created with my clients. You may wish to have a look through this list and see where your focus would be if you were to embark on a coaching programme. Feel free to drop me an email at Karen(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) to let me know!
Business Goals:
- Build an exciting, creative, dynamic business that easily makes £1 million profit every year
- Feel totally proud of the team I have created
- Be able to say “my self-running business makes a £million every year”
- 100% confident that my first business decisions are absolutely right to succeed in business
- Create a successful 21 C standardised future-proof model that works without us
- 100% autonomy running my own financially secure business
- Make at least 10% profit every month and enjoy doing it
- A capital gain of £2 million net
- Sell my business
- Totally respected in my fulfilling new role
- Be known as the best franchisee in the XYZ group
- XYZ is SW London’s Harrods equivalent
- Be a leading light in international architecture
- 100% confident about my new business
- Be a great CEO
- Build a High calibre, vibrant, 4 strong, senior management team
- Our new hotels open smoothly, on time, and on budget and our planning applications go through easily
- Turnover at least £120K with my new winter idea, £100K for the summer, and have time for me
- Make a profit for the first year ever in an exciting and productive way
- 45 covers and a bar with the consistent support and energy of my team and strong positive feedback from my clientele
- At least £1/4 million net profit and growing and feeling satisfied
- My business vision gives me the freedom to do whatever I wish
- Achieve and sustain minimum reserves in XYZ of £200,000 and personal reserves of £100,000
- On track to sell my business, and feeling happy, comfortable, and in control as I do so
- £15K gross per month on average
- £180K every month
- Even happier and more profitable than I was 2 years ago
- Be a visionary, creative, and inspiring leader
- I am a confident, inspiring, true leader; positively and effectively facilitating peoples’ lives and businesses
- The confidence to say what I think whenever it’s appropriate—and for my communications to be well received
- Communication effectiveness doubled in 12 months
- Calm under stress and able to avoid stress
- Finish the “Dream Team”
- As confident as when I was President of X
- Recognised as a Master of Start, Middle, and End
- Feeling that I am successfully handling challenging situations
- Feel and act on the confidence that others have in me
- Develop and implement effective strategies to clear my mind when I need to
- Feel happy and authentic being me as an MD
Work/Life Balance:
- Love every single minute of my job and have time to play
- I am a “master of efficiency” and have plenty of time to play
- Hit breakeven with my ideal work/life balance
- My ideal work/life balance to be happy with life and happy at work
- A successful laid back lady
- Time for fun at work and play
- Commit to my personal life as I do to my work
- Find my ideal work life/balance
- Becoming the most efficient person on the planet
- Feel like I am managing my work load well giving me plenty of time to play
Career Goals:
- Find my purpose
- Find my ideal role
- Respected by senior management earning at least £70K in my new director role
- Enough for a pay rise of £5K
- Complete one writing project that I am happy with
- £100K in the bank working 4 days a week
- Promoted to Director
- Easily transition into MD par excellence with balance
- Build a £5K nest up
- First female director of The Catering Company
- Time to be The Operations Director and The Head Chef
- I love my international role within a meaningful sector as a key part of a supportive Team earning at least £45K per annum
- Even more fulfilled than I ever before
Personal Goals:
- Be able to say “my finances are very stable”
- My relationship with my mother better than its ever been before
- Allow others’ emotions to be theirs whilst still being available for support
- Completely meet the needs of the family
- Totally feel that my dad believes in me
- My relationship—better than it has ever been
- Develop a core group of long lasting friends
- Sustaining my flourishing relationship with Stacey
- My relationship: better than ever
- Get my best friend back
- Feel happy with how my daughter relates to Mummy
- Believe that my daughter is happy with the time we spend together
- Infinite patience with my children
- Create inspiring time with my family
- In an inspiring, consistent, mutually beneficial relationship with shared values
- Restore the love and trust with my children
- Meet someone to share my life with (and be happy whatever happens)
- My relationship with my brother and his family, as good as before my mother died
- My relationship—closer than ever before
- Richer relationships with my friends
- Happier with the relationship dynamic with X
- Debt free
- Feel fully rested after a natural nights sleep
- Happy with the decisions I make around my marriage
- Get back into the “slightly dangerous sports club”
- Fully embrace my femininity
- Sketch out my ideal life
- Happy with my decision
- Find something creative that I really enjoy
- Play football
- On everyone’s party list
- Laid back and fun loving mum
- Relight my fire
- New ground in my relationships with my children
- Satisfy my creative needs outside of work and clear my mind in the process
- Marry the love of my life
- Have the energy levels of my 20’s
- Look and feel as good as when I was in my late 20’s/early 20’s
- Light my creative fire
- Steady the ship
- Having fun loving what I do
- As inspiring as Danny Mayo
- Fit and Healthy
- Sunday: rest till midday, then fun for all of us
- Help enable my daughters to develop socially and academically
- Psoriasis free
- Plenty of time for my family, friends, and golf
- As healthy and fit as my early 20’s
- Behave as if each day is my first
- Live our individual and joint lives to the full
- Design and realize my ideal future
- In charge of my destiny
- Look and feel happy, energised, and respected in my business suit
- My home is an extension of my inner life
Stress, Confidence, and Handling Emotions:
- Feel that I operate at a very high standard and get motivated
- Feel positive at least 70% of the time
- Feel totally re-inspired and positively changed by my business
- Feel stimulated, happy, being the best, helping others, loving what I do, modelling David Peckham’s positive qualities in my chosen field
- Feel stimulated, happy, focused, and respected
- Excited about every working day
- Happy and challenged being the ultimate businessman—inspiring others and feeling proud of my life
- High energy, low stress
- Be able to say I am totally open, relaxed, assertive, and creative—and be happy with it
- Happy with how I feel/how I am
- Run into work
- Feel full of energy and radiant health every day
- Look and feel strong
- Wholeheartedly believe in myself and my capabilities and have the confidence to go with it
- Consistently 100% confident about the things in my world
- Feel totally refreshed and energised
- Liberate the story that is within me
- Totally believe in myself
- Be totally in charge of my emotions
- Confident with my ideal creative “what’s next”
- Feel totally at one with myself
- Allow myself to be me whenever I choose
- Feel fantastic about and excel in my new health related activity
- Feel as relaxed and energised as when I was at (named company)
- A successful laid back lady
- Vibrant health
- Sustain a state of inner peace
- Control my emotions
- Be able to say nothing can stress me out (and still be ambitious!)
- Gain mastery of my emotions
- Cool in the hot spot
- More positive, energised, and pain free than ever before