It’s a question based process of empowerment to help clients to create success and happiness, both in their businesses and in their lives. Success (and happiness) in one area leads to success (and happiness) in another area!
In my work as a coach, I wear four hats: the hat of a mentor, project manager, sports coach and personal trainer – all rolled into one. I work in partnership with my clients. Whilst the coaching I offer is tailor-made to each client, it is common for me to help each discover how to get and stay motivated.
We start the process by creating some really inspirational business goals and objectives. We create personal goals too, as these significantly contribute towards business success. I also help them create big visions for themselves. This is one of the most powerful processes I use. I see clients’ potential at the times when they can’t and I consistently believe that each can achieve success. This really helps! Everything is bespoke to each individual client’s needs.
I work with clients to co-create practical strategies to get them to their goals. Agreeing deadlines together and monitoring how everything is going is another benefit of coaching.
Clients also get on-going feedback on how they play the inner game. Most discover how to boost confidence further. It’s quite common for many to appear confident on the outside but lack some confidence on the inside. Coaching has a proven track record for boosting inner confidence too. Because I can often see what they can’t, I help clients get really clear about what works best – and what doesn’t. From there, my role is to encourage clients to do more of what works, less of what doesn’t and to stretch them to do other things differently. Coaching expands their comfort zones so more becomes possible.
I also help clients stay on track. When a client knows a coaching appointment is coming up, the likelihood of them following through with the commitments they have chosen is dramatically increased. The accountability aspect of coaching is really valuable to many, especially those who lead businesses who are normally accountable to no-one. On top of all this, my role is to be a great sounding board and to have the skills to unlock potential.
The end result is each client learns how to be a business owner of excellence and to enjoy the success and happiness they desire (whatever that looks like for each client)!
“The coaching I had with Karen was in many ways life changing for me”
Ruth Smith – Managing Director, P M Management, HR and Marketing Consultancy